The era of precision medicine is poised to change healthcare in the most fundamental ways
For leaders of the nation’s hospitals and health systems, precision medicine is poised to change healthcare in the most fundamental ways. The promise of precision medicine is to give clinicians two powerful medical tools. One is the ability to achieve an earlier and more accurate diagnosis of the patient. The other tool is genetic information that helps physicians identify exactly which therapies will deliver the greatest benefit to the patient while minimizing or avoiding negative side effects that cause the cost of care to skyrocket.
The good news is that your hospital or health system can be recognized as a clinical leader as it introduces precision medicine services and the right kind of genetic testing in such specialties as oncology, infectious disease, and the prescribing of therapeutic drugs. At the same time, your hospital will benefit from superior patient outcomes that lift its rankings in national surveys while gaining a cost advantage that supports financial sustainability.
Your institution is already involved in this high-stakes game. Come to the precision medicine model too late, and physicians, patients, payers, and big employers will already have shifted their attention to your competitors. Or, fail to execute your precision medicine programs effectively, and your hospital may fail to recoup the investment in genetic testing capabilities and the specialist physicians with the skills to practice precision medicine.
To help you develop a best-in-class Precision Medicine program for your hospital or health system, the Precision Medicine Institute presents this exclusive white paper, Setting the Foundation for a Best-in-Class Precision Medicine Program: Four Steps to Guide Hospital and Health System Leaders, free of charge. Download your free white paper today!